The Grangerfords and Shepherdsons Feud Flared Up Again by Doing What

Chapter 18

Course Hero'due south video study guide provides in-depth summary and analysis of Chapter eighteen of Marking Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Chapter 18 | Summary


Huck goes into neat detail about Colonel Grangerford, whom he clearly admires. The Colonel is a wealthy landowner and has many slaves. Huck also describes each of Grangerford'due south children.

While Buck and Huck are out hunting, Cadet shoots at a man named Harney Shepherdson, but he misses. When Huck asks him why he shot at the homo, Buck tells Huck of the feud that his family has with the Shepherdsons. When questioned Buck cannot explicate when the feud began or what the cause of it was.

The two families attend the same church building. I Sunday Sophia Grangerford leaves a book at church and she asks Huck to get information technology for her. Huck agrees and brings the book back to her. It contains a note with the words "Half-by ii" written on it. Afterward Huck's slave—who was assigned to him by the Grangerfords—takes him to the swamp. Jim is waiting for him and he tells Huck that he made it to shore after the raft got smashed. However, he could not call out to Huck because he was afraid of being caught. Jim too lets Huck know he has institute and fixed the raft.

The next day Sophia and Harney elope, and the feud erupts again. Huck finds Buck who tells him that Colonel Grangerford and ii of his sons have been murdered. Cadet and his cousin are trying to extract revenge, only they eventually die too. Huck is bothered by the violence and is happy to make his way dorsum to Jim and the swamp. They get onto their raft and bask being out on the Mississippi one time again.


Cadet sees the feud as honorable. The feud is part of Cadet's family unit's tradition and participating in it is a mode to evidence loyalty and pride in his family. Buck recognizes that the feud volition eventually kill him equally the feud does non end until anybody is dead. Like his sister, Emmeline, who romanticizes death through verse, Buck romanticizes expiry past his total-fledged participation in the feud. The feud sounds like something Tom Sawyer would read virtually in his take chances books. Withal, in reality the feud leads to senseless deaths and no ane wins.

Huck tries to make sense of the feud merely cannot sympathize Cadet's bullheaded adherence to the notion of killing for no reason. Huck recognizes that there is zippo romantic nigh it, and the whole matter makes him sad.

The scene describing the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons shared trip to church is filled with irony and comes off equally funny. The men bring their guns but get out them at the door. Apparently this is out of respect for the church and the preacher. The preacher talks about "brotherly love," and "everybody said information technology was a good sermon." None of the characters, with the possible exception of Huck, realize how ridiculous this is. How could two families caught upward in a feud and whose guns lie by the door, ready to be taken upwards should the need arise, capeesh a sermon about brotherly love? This scene is another poke at organized organized religion by Twain. People who claim to exist adherents of religion murder senselessly, merely they even so take fourth dimension out for church building.

The 2-facedness extends to racism and slavery also. Nearly two pages are devoted to describing how wonderful the Grangerfords are (Huck would presumably feel the same if he happened to have stayed with the Shepherdsons). Later on the glowing description Huck talks near their ownership of slaves. Information technology is simply presumed that Southerners of a certain class have slaves. It is not a mark against them and people do not estimate them negatively because of information technology.

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