How Much Silica Is in Blue Circle Postcrete

Can I use Postcrete for footings?

  • Last Updated: 8th August, 2021

Deluks. No reason while you can't use it. If you don't have enough then mix it in with some more cement/ballast.

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Beside this, can I use Postcrete as concrete?

Postcrete isn't designed or suitable for general concreting.

Subsequently, question is, can I use fast setting concrete for footings? Fast-setting concrete, all-purpose gravel, QUIK-TUBE® building form. For structural or load-bearing applications, such as concrete footings for deck posts, or for securing any post in sandy soil, follow the steps on pages 59 to 60, using concrete forms to build the footings or set the posts.

Simply so, what mix do you use for footings?

A concrete mix of 1 part cement : 2 parts sand : 4 parts coarse aggregate (by volume) should be used for footings. Concrete must be placed within half an hour of mixing. Brickwork – Place your concrete into your trench.

How many posts will 1 bag of Postcrete do?

You'll need to bury the posts at least 2ft In the ground. As for how many bags of postcrete you need per post, that's purely dependant on how big you make the post holes. As a rule of thumb, when using standard post hole diggers, I average 1 bag per post. For larger holes I would allow 1.5 bags to 2 bags per hole.

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  • Persida Sammeta
  • Professional

Is concrete better than Postcrete?

Concrete spurs are ideal for repairing the posts, use postcrete, sets pretty quick and you should only need 1 bag per hole. Concrete blocks will be the easiest for sitting the shed bearers on, or split them in half.

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  • Nirvana Saurin
  • Professional

Is rapid set concrete strong?

Fast-setting concrete isn't just simple and fast, it's also durable and strong, reaching 4000 psi — or pounds of force per square inch —after a month. That's stronger than the concrete used for foundations on most homes.

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  • Asceneth Ubalde
  • Professional

What's the difference between concrete and Postcrete?

(FFS)? Concrete takes several hours or a day or two to set. Postcrete sets in a few minutes, several tens of seconds, even, so you don't have to support the post for nearly as long as you do with concrete.

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  • Halim Kromker
  • Explainer

Can you mix Postcrete with ballast?

If your ballast was dry you could mix it up dry to from your own postcrete and water it in the same way you would post crete. Your best option might be to put it a bag of postcrete into each to hold the posts firm and then top them up with your homemade gear.

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  • Gregoire Quintillan
  • Explainer

Can you make your own Postcrete?

Postcrete is a quick and easy solution to what can be a difficult problem. I was able to do the whole lot so quickly, i didn't need all of the supports and saved the time from mixing all the concrete by hand. Yes it does cost more than mixing your own, but it is also a lot easier, unless you are concrete competent.

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  • Lorita Modispacher
  • Explainer

Can you use Postcrete for bricks?

Using the stones and the broken pots with the postcrete will give you a form of concrete with ballast in it, and should be sufficient for three courses of bricks.

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  • Levani Rheinschmitt
  • Pundit

What is the best concrete mix for fence posts?

In terms of the ratio to use for a concreting fence posts, the best mix is a mix of 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 sand, 4 aggregate). Concrete is always best mixed using a cement mixer to ensure it's even, but if you only need to mix a little, hand mixing is ok (see mixing concrete project above for tips on how to do this).

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  • Meryam Guadilla
  • Pundit

How do you calculate footing depth?

General factors to be considered for determining depth of foundation are:

  1. Load applied from structure to the foundation.
  2. Bearing capacity of soil.
  3. Depth of water level below the ground surface.
  4. Types of soil and depth of layers in case of layered soil.
  5. Depth of adjacent foundation.

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  • Dalene Moreyra
  • Pundit

How do you check footings?

These are the four major points to consider when inspecting a footing.

  1. Step 1: Check the depth and dimension.
  2. Step 2: Check the Reinforcing Bars Sizes, Spacing, and Grades.
  3. Step 3: Check the Credibility of the Formworks and Gridline Locations.
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  • Katelin Chakrabarti
  • Pundit

What are the 3 types of foundations?

But chances are your house has (or will have) one of these three foundations: full basement, crawlspace, or slab-on-grade. Other variations are possible. Here are the three main types of house foundations that you will encounter in residential construction.

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  • Riana Portelo
  • Teacher

How long do concrete FootInGS take to dry?

Immediately after leveling the surface, align and inset any deck hardware and then smooth the surface of the concrete. Allow the concrete to cure for one day before constructing your deck or placing heavy weight on the footing (if standard concrete mix was used, wait about 3 days to begin construction).

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  • Cordelia Erbert
  • Teacher

How much ballast do I need for FootInGS?

Mixing 1 part cement to 6 parts ballast creates concrete suitable for driveways, paths and patios, and increasing the ratio to 1:8 gives foundation-strength concrete.

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  • Sole Tsehmistrenko
  • Teacher

How many bags of concrete do I need for footing?

One 60-lb bag of concrete gives you . 45 cubic feet of concrete when mixed with 2.5 quarts of water. In order to have enough concrete for 1 cubic yard (27 cubic feet), you'll require 2.2 bags of 60-lb concrete. Since bags are only sold in whole (not half, or quarter) quantities, you'll need to purchase three (3) 60-lb.

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  • Emilo Ferron
  • Teacher

Can I pour footing and wall together?

Traditionally, foundations are constructed in two phases: one concrete pour for the footing and one for the foundation wall (with the rebar and often a concrete key to hold them together). A mono-pour combines the footings and foundation walls into one single pour and shaves a day or two off the construction schedule.

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  • Nicuta Robinet
  • Reviewer

Can I use quikrete for a footer?

Quikrete cement is designed for a do-it-yourself project. It can be used to complete a variety of concrete construction projects, such as pouring footings. Add 5 gallons of water to the wheelbarrow before adding the concrete mix.

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  • Marinela Oettel
  • Reviewer

Is 2 feet deep enough for fence posts?

The minimum depth that you should dig your fence post holes for panel sections is 2 feet. A general formula is to dig the holes one-third to one-half of the post's aboveground height. The deeper you dig the holes, the more stability your fence has, but you must also purchase longer posts.

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  • Marie Macuso
  • Supporter

Should fence posts be set in concrete?

Concrete is the most secure material for setting fence posts, especially if you have sandy soil. Gravel may be okay with dense, clay-heavy soil, but in looser soil, concrete is the only thing that will truly keep your fence posts stuck in place.

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  • Kauzar Unali
  • Supporter

Will concrete cure under dirt?

Assuming that the concrete was mixed in the proper ratio and poured in an acceptable temperature environment, soil backfilling will not harm the curing concrete (assuming no mechanical stresses or insults were done to the curing concrete; that is, no fractures, scours, washouts or chemical exposure).

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  • Nandor Mellouki
  • Beginner

Can I pour concrete in a hole full of water?

Originally Answered: Can I pour concrete in a hole full of water? It will depend on what you're doing. If it's concrete that needs finishing then obviously not, you'll need it the area dry as possible. Other than that, concrete does set under water.

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  • Idris Dovenmuhle
  • Beginner

Is quikrete the same as concrete?

Basically concrete is stronger and more durable so it can be used for structural projects such as setting posts whereas mortar is used as a bonding agent for bricks, stones, etc. Concrete is a mixture of water, cement, sand just like mortar. One of the concretes we sell is the Quikrete Fast Setting Concrete Mix.

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  • Tam Karelitz
  • Beginner

What is the strongest concrete mix?

You can add more Portland cement to bagged concrete to make it stronger. You can also add hydrated lime. To make the strongest concrete, the sand should be sourced from volcanic lava that has a high silica content.

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  • Xuefen Neukirchen
  • Beginner

Will wooden posts rot in concrete?

Simply setting the posts in concrete does create a condition that will accelerate rot in the bottom of the posts. With pressure-treated posts, the rot will be slow. First, the posts should be set on top of a bed of coarse gravel 3 to 6 inches deep, so the base of the post is in contact with the gravel.

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  • Shona Quinnell
  • Beginner

How much concrete do I need for fence post holes?

Depending on your climate, let concrete set up for 24 - 48 hours. The general rule of thumb when setting a post is that the depth of the post's hole needs to be 1/3 to 1/2 of the actual above-ground height of the post. So, six-foot-high fence posts ideally need to be buried three feet into the ground.

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  • Crisogono Cervigon
  • Beginner

How do you Postcrete a post?

For best results follow these instructions: 1) Dig hole to correct depth and width relevant to post size (see table on reverse). 2) Fill hole with water to a third of the depth. 3) Pour in Postcrete evenly around post until no standing water is visible (powder completely covers water surface).


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