Best Hospitals in Dc Area for Having a Baby

Author Message Bearding

Lactation support at GW was pathetic and mail service partum experience was not great. Not recommended.

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Fairfax doestosn of c sections. I had two vaginal births arm sibkey. One of which I pushed for 4 hours and baby's middle charge per unit kept dropping. My doc was a rockstar. Whatever other medico would've washed a c to encompass her own a**. At that place was never talk of a c. It totally depends on your dr.. Odds that y'all'll demand a level 3 nicu are very low if you lot go to term. Sibley has a very capable special intendance nursery.

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Amazing feel at Georgetown and their obgyn grouping. They accept a nicu. Non sure about the c section charge per unit considering that was t a concern for me every bit I was happy to exercise whatever the doctor wanted.

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Anonymous wrote:Have y'all idea about Holy Cross in Silver Spring? I went to Ob-Gyn Associates there--Dr. Wilson (female MD) and Dr. Morales (also female) are astonishing! I delivered my twins there--it was complicated and I was pre-term, simply the hospital staff and doctors were not bad! I was adamant that even if this was a c-section, I wanted a VBAC for my next kid and she said she would run up me up appropriately! I really appreciated that. [/quote

I agree that Holy Cross is a skilful choice (with a slap-up NICU). I would, however, not recommend OBGYN and Assoc. I told my dr repeatedly that I didn't want pitocin if I didn't need information technology...but when I went to deliver, the doc on call didn't visit me, read my nautical chart and ordered pitocin and when I questioned it, told me I actually didn't need it. And so, I agree with other PPs who say information technology's a lot about the physician. However, y'all besides demand to read upward and be your ain abet. Many other people desire the quickest, least "painful" route so many doctors assume that'southward what we all want...just my two sense.

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I had an unmedicated birth at GW with the OBs. In that location's plenty of threads on this, but GW is very friendly to this. You lot don't have to use the midwives.

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Choose a dr or midwife exercise you lot love, and go where they deliver. The infirmary itself doesn't matter nearly as much as your provider, esp in terms of wanting to avoid interventions.

I delivered at inova fairfax, which would prob exist too far for you since you lot're in Bethesda but I had a bully experience there and would highly recommend it. I too loved my doctors at capital women'south care (I went to the cwc practice in fairfax likewise and so again prob besides far for you just I'd recommend them highly as well)

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You can't approximate a infirmary based on c section rate. I am delivering at Fairfax because they have the best NICU. I am high run a risk and have some complications. I will probably demand a c section, only that would be true at any hospital. I'm going to Fairfax for the NICU.

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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:Shady Grove, GW, and WHC have midwife practices delivering in that location. I can't speak for WHC, but at the first ii the CNMs seem to have influenced the condition quo in terms of supporting unmedicated birth for those who desire it. SG and GW accept NICUs one minor pace below WHC/Children's, simply still ahead of Sibley. I had skilful delivery experiences at both. I'd give SG the reward for the infirmary experience and GW the advantage for the ease of prenatal care coordination.
I have had horrible Sibley experiences and wouldn't consider them for maternity.

Aforementioned applies to WHC. Was with the midwives and had a corking delivery experience. DD ended upwardly unexpectedly needing services from Children's Hospital and information technology was such a relief those resources were practically on site already. DCUM is turned off by the lower socioeconomic population that uses WHC more than Sibley, simply I value providers with a multifariousness of feel and then see that equally a adept thing.

I also used the WHC midwives and had a great feel, even though I needed to be induced due to PROM and got an epidural. Non the nascence I expected, but they were wonderful and supportive the entire fourth dimension.

Withal, if having a lactation consultant on hand is a priority, I would exist hesitant about WHC. I delivered on a Friday night and checked out of the hospital mid-24-hour interval Sunday and never saw 1 and I asked multiple times. I don't think they take a lactation consultant on staff for the weekends.

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I delivered in the new Sibley, it was wonderful. And c section pressure will come from your doctor non the infirmary then as others said, choose a good doctor. But Sibley and especially the labor and delivery nurses were fantastic (postpartum nurses not so much but I didn't really need them except to refill the bath necessities and give me meds)

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I delivered at Sibley and had a wonderful feel. My dr. was with Foxhall Ob/Gyn. I dearest that practice!

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I delivered at Sibley a few weeks ago and had a wonderful experience. Labor and delivery nurses are truly amazing! I met with lactation consultants several times while I was in that location! The new hospital edifice is beautiful with all individual rooms!

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Great experience at Georgetown. I had a depression-intervention (unmedicated) birth. Swell nurses and doctors, and it was nice to know they accept an astonishing nicu if we had needed it.

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Anonymous wrote:You lot tin can't judge a hospital based on c department charge per unit. I am delivering at Fairfax because they have the best NICU. I am high take chances and accept some complications. I will probably demand a c section, but that would be true at any hospital. I'm going to Fairfax for the NICU.

What the ever loving hell? Yes, in part you can judge a hospital past it's section rates; however Virginia hasn't updated them in a long time and then yous wouldn't know them. And envy sane person knows that nascency calculus changes: you get to a high gamble category and suddenly you lot need to call back differently about sections. Duh yous get there when y'all're high gamble. And so for a depression risk first timer in Bethesda? Good grief, not that hospital.

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Bearding wrote:Choose a dr or midwife do you dear, and go where they evangelize. The hospital itself doesn't matter well-nigh as much as your provider, esp in terms of wanting to avert interventions.

18 weeks meaning (FTM) and merely moved back to DC later three years abroad. I'g confused by this advice as my understanding is that no thing where you go you get the doctor on call with your do non necessarily "your" doc. So I picked Georgetown since they seem to accept mostly female doctors and their overall baby-friendly philosophy matches what I want. I was as well given printed info in my welcome packet talking nearly the negatives of an epidural and benefits of existence active during labor. All things that matter to me. Hoping this is enough to mean that whatever physician in the practice will exist supportive of those guidelines. Is this not the example? How practice y'all option based on a md and then guarantee that same doctor is bachelor when you actually deliver?

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Bearding wrote:

Anonymous wrote:You can't judge a hospital based on c section rate. I am delivering at Fairfax because they take the best NICU. I am high take a chance and have some complications. I volition probably need a c department, but that would be truthful at any hospital. I'm going to Fairfax for the NICU.

What the ever loving hell? Yes, in part y'all can judge a infirmary by information technology's section rates; however Virginia hasn't updated them in a long time and then you wouldn't know them. And green-eyed sane person knows that birth calculus changes: you go to a high take a chance category and of a sudden you need to retrieve differently most sections. Duh y'all go there when you're high risk. So for a depression adventure first timer in Bethesda? Proficient grief, not that hospital.

Nah. Effectually here, you take to wait at the demographics using the hospital - both the doctors and the patients. Sibley has a lot of older, higher risk moms and a few large c-section inclined practices.

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